The End - Reisverslag uit Nistelrode, Nederland van Paul Wielen - The End - Reisverslag uit Nistelrode, Nederland van Paul Wielen -

The End

Door: Devils Uncle

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Paul

10 Mei 2011 | Nederland, Nistelrode

It's my 4th day at home and have to say it is a bit weird. No having a jet lag but thinking it is only 18:00 will it is past 21:00. Reason? No not the jet lag. Just the fact that it gets dark in Whyalla just around 18:00 as Australia is heading for winter while Europe is heading for summer.

Anyway, all things come to an end and that means that my 3 months in Australia are over. Last Wednesday I said goodbye to my brother and his family and left for Adelaide where my flight to Amsterdam would depart from on Friday. Due to the fact that I knew I was way to heavy for a flight with Regional Express (15kg check-in baggage and max 7kg hand luggage, while I was 22,5 and 9, not even counted my camera bag and didgeridoo) I decided to travel by the much cheaper bus option. Saved me about $100,-. I can better spend it on nice things.

After arrival in Adelaide I checked in at the Cannon Street Backpackers for the 3rd time in 3 months. Well backpackers have been busier. The both previous times there were many people walking in and out, this time it felt like being the only person around. Of the people I spoke most had a private 4 or 10 person dorm, not bad at all I would say.

I took some time in Adelaide to meet up with some of the friends I made during these 3 months and grabbed a beer with them. Spent some time in the city and even visited an exhibition about comic book covers. And made even new friends, but not having been able to grab a beer with them (yup, talking about you Dawn).

And then the inevitable moment was there. Getting up early to leave for Adelaide International Airport to catch my flight via Melbourne to Hong Kong (and from there Amsterdam). While sitting in the bus to the airport I have been thinking about what my best moments have been these 3 months. Besides the moments with the family off course, I think the Great Ocean Road trip, driving the Nullarbor (not the whole Perth trip), Esperance and Uluru/Kata Tjuta have been my highlights. Oh and seeing the Blues win the League Cup vs. Arsenal in a pub full of Arsenal supporters of course.

The flight back home was a bit weird. The first part via Melbourne to Hong Kong (regular Cathay Pacific route) wasn't really so weird as the time difference between Hong Kong and Melbourne is only 2 hours. Talking about Melbourne to Hong Kong, looking at the screen displaying the distance to Hong Kong I just realised the context of how many kilometres I had driven on my Perth trip. It only took 400km extra to get to Hong Kong. Makes you think! Anyway the weird part of the flight home was the 2nd flight. After a few hours in the plane I finished watching the latest Harry Potter (already saw many of the other available movies) I looked at the flight info. Time at destination 23:45. I then opened my window blind and looked at a sun rise. I have to say it is a weird feeling that you already have daylight and knowing you still have to fly another 6,5 hours to your destination while it is not even midnight there.

So yeah, that's about it for this Australia adventure. Let's see where I will be heading of to on my next adventure...


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Verslag uit: Nederland, Nistelrode


Finally the time has come to return Down Under...

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